Our reasons for dieting can vary, but one trick remains the same – high protein low carb foods. Some of us surely want to lose fat and cut our weight to get healthier. Others will be looking to tone and sculpt a leaner fitter body. Whether you are a bodybuilder after the perfect physique, or a dieter looking to reduce the waistline, there are similarities in dietary regimes. Both camps can benefit from a diet that is protein dense low carb. This means 56g of protein each day for men, 46g for women, and minimizing high-carb foods. This will prevent fat storing, promote muscle mass and lead to some impressive changes.
Related: Making the switch to low carb diets
Protein rich low carb foods are plentiful and great substitutes for common staples that catch us out. This guide will look at some of the best meats and vegetables for a nutritious, low-carb meal – as well as some vegetarian options. Then there are some great fruits, snacks, drinks and other treats for a high protein low carb approach. A few small changes from this list could set a diet in motion. Some long-term, drastic changes can lead to significant gains.
A great place to start is with some low carb meat and fish.
1) Chicken legs:
Meat is the best place to get some protein in a balanced meal. Where possible, it helps to find the leanest, healthiest form of meat with a low carb rating. Both drumsticks and thighs are great when cooking chicken in a low carb diet. Of course, the method of cooking and the accompaniments will make a difference to the diet. A grilled drumstick with some salad is always going to work better than a fried drumstick with some fries.
2) Ground turkey:
We have included ground turkey in this list of protein-rich low carb foods because it is a little different. Ground, minced meat is a great source of protein for meals such as Italian ragus and burger. Turkey is another lean poultry meat, and some would argue that it tastes even better than chicken. Diversify a weekly menu with some turkey and try my low carb turkey meatloaf you will love it.
3) Bison:
This is where we really throw a bit of a curved ball in regard to the types of meat on offer with a protein dense low carb diet. Some people are a little unsure of using bison meat, but others are more adventurous and will give it a shot. This high protein, low-fat meat is a great addition to a meal. It is also a versatile as other red meats.
4) Sardines:
Now we come onto the fish. Fish are a great protein source for those that want a healthier diet. They provide lean protein, great oils and minerals and are great for low carb diets. Sardines are a great starting point, even if they may seem old-fashioned now. This oily fish is rich in omega 3, which promotes brain health.
5) Salmon:
Salmon is also a good source of omega 3 and protein. This is a fish that we can all get behind because it is common, tasty and versatile. In fact, it is one of the most commonly-bought fish products in the US. This meaty fish is great for different occasions and works well with different vegetables and sauces.